Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Lesson! Esok kan paper Math.. (yer ker?)

Life aint easy.. Dun purposely make it difficult..

We wud never realised..
Time passed by in second..
And its no turning back...
Present will become memories...
U and I will become us..
Us will produce them...
Them and us will be us again..

Arithmatic logic:

U + I = us

us us us us ushhhhhh ushhhhhhhhh = them (its not easy to get them)

Them + us = us,

Means them = 0?     Not korek.. Not korek..

Them will derive another U and I...

End up will be only 'us'...

Logic? Very logic..

Yours sincerely,

Teacher Tea

Its good to have us rather than being by myself...


a.R said...

its not easy to be TEA...hihihih~

ewanthology said...

poning kepalo den

Yumida said...

sapa yg blur2 ya...ambek la formula 1 dr si tea tok....kompom math A...

Tea said...

Cik Muda: everything needs an effort~

Del: poning bang~ arini kan exam...

Yumida: Mun sidak sik lulus, nang fail lah... mesti lulus!

Ujie Othman said...

bkn mudah utk menjadi berdua..U+I.

Myez.. said...

teacher tea.. hehe..
B'2 lebih baik kot..hehe

Tea said...

Uji: perlu tambah tolak kan..? giving and taking...

Myez ketua kelas nanti tolong padam papan hitam ticer k

mas saari said...

berdua bersatu!


sometimes we gotta let go...
not losing it, cause loving it...
we lost it but we have it...

have it in our heart...

:: cikNuurul :: said...

arghh,.xdapat berfikir dengan logik,.teehee,.teh arini sedap! cukup manis, cukup lemak, cukup cawan,.

khaifaiz said...

aduhai... ape yg ko merepek ni tea... tak paham ni... lemah math

☆Lady Zahraa☆ said... dikrecho tak ya tea?? angol palak mek even thou mek tok language ticer,but still cannot understand what those things.. hahaha angolll...

Tea said...

Mas: Berdua best!

Bintang Hati: why losing while still love..? no no no

CN: orang dlamun asmara memang susah nak fikir logik time ni..

Khai: sama seperti CN di atas... orang lilamun asmara la katakan...

Lady: yahhh tok baruk best pun lesson.. mun cikgu pun sik paham, mek boleh jadi Pengetua!


seperti Cinta Dalam HeartTea..

setiap kehidupan ada kisahnya ada sebabnya ada natijahnya....

mungkin alamai keadaan seperti Tea..

dengan kisah yang lain, sebab yang lain..

mungkin kerana ada org yang mahu menjaga perasaan org yg disayangi dan dlm masa yang sama mahu menjaga hati yang lain...

mummysyafie said...

kenak ai sik tauk nak komen apa. yang pasti ai minum teh o ais setiap pagi.

Tea said...

Terlalu banyak heartea~ :(


..... terlalu banyak hati ..... hmmm

sometimes life seems to be unfair
but that's life, that what made life beautiful...

sun flower n the sun...

or just seize the day

Tea said...

Mummysyafie: mem... Ai sebenarnya pun jarang minum tea.. Ahaks... Yu tauk nak aik ai...

Bintang Hati: sehingga tidak mampu menjaga heartea sendiri...


yer.. ada masanya bila bersendirian, bintang hati juga suram kilaunya bila hatinya sendiri tidak mampu dijaga...

pastinya berat perasaan ketika itu...

Tea said...

Those were the days... It will keep us smile...


as long as the sun shines... the sunflower will keep blooming...

Tea said...

year end.. its typhoon...



the sun still there...

Ct Aja said...

thank you teacher.... i'm so lucky 2 have teacher like u, i'll score A for this subject...hihihiihihi

Tea said...

Bintang Heartea: hopefully ;)

Aja: wahh student terbaik ni.. Rate2 tak faham.. Oh ticer very gembire..

ghost said...

formula ker aper nih,Tea?

Tea said...

Formula kehidupan... Ghost..

Dapat selesaikan...?

cik bulan said...


*tetiba tacink~

cik bulan said...


*tetiba tacink~

lieynanilaz said...

nampak cam mudah tapi poninglah cikgu..


November Rain - Guns n Roses

Tea said...

lina: actually.. sgt mudah... dan best kalau faham...

Bintang Hati: i think its gonna flood...

Tea said...

Cik Bulan nyer komen masuk spam tahu.. (ni baru masuk dashboard.. baru perasan)

Fasihah Supian said...

haha terbaik ni tea!